An Excellent year to move forward into - 2018

by Super User

We are pleased to announce that we have entered into 4 reseller strategic partner moving forward into spatial big data in geospatial remote sensing satellite industry and Multispectral UAV sensors into Malaysia. 

Two satellites imagery provider Beijing Spaceview from China and Deimos Imaging from Spain provide the new capacity and alternative to the current available sensor for high resolution satellite imagery data
SuperView constellation is named as “16+4+4+X” constellation, consisting of 16 0.5m PAN & 2m MS resolution satellites, 4 higher-performed optical satellites, 4 VHR SAR satellites and a fleet of video & hyper-spectral satellites.

Deimos Imaging as part of Urthecast Company is among the PanGeo Alliance (Earth Observation Constellation) members. The PanGeo fleet includes 13 operational Earth Observation sensors, with 27 more to be launched, providing multispectral imagery in a wide range of resolutions (from 20 m to 75 cm per pixel), and archive-only from past missions.

The fast moving industry in drone technology make us to be Micasense Inc. (UAV MS sensor) Technology Integration and Value Added Partner for their state of the art Multi-spectral sensor (evolution to the red edge band sensor) which are demand in precision agriculture industry complement to our service in Aerial Photographic Mapping. We also strike up a partnership with Agisoft LLC. providing highly accurate large scale surveying services as well as Reseller presence in Malaysia. We are ready for the arrival of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0).